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#clutchbags girlboss: Gurshi Kaur


Updated: May 21, 2020

We know isolation can and has been a challenge for a lot of people, so the team at #clutchbagsdotcom decided to start a new series, with the aim to bring together our #girlboss community and local designers. To start this series we sat down with Gurshi Kaur, our fellow #clutchbags #girlboss to chat all things isolation, productivity, creativity and more. Maybe it's her design experience, or her own girl boss drive, Gurshi Kaur somehow balances studying, staying creative and working during isolation.

Here is a snap of our interview with this #bossbabe. We can't wait to bring you more #girlboss content next week from another Clutch Bags creative Ana Petri.

Please introduce yourself and your brand.

My name is Gurshi Kaur and I work in sourcing at Clutch Made! I’ve been working here for almost 4 months now and I love the experience I’ve gotten. Working at Clutch Made, I’ve gotten a better understanding of producing and manufacturing accessories in the United States and all the benefits that come with it.

How do you balance being a #girlboss designer in your schedule?

It’s been a little tricky with quarantine but I think even having a schedule is a pretty big accomplishment these days! I try to give myself breaks in between work so I don’t burn out or tire as easily.

What are you doing to stay productive and creative during isolation?

I’ve always been a fan of lists as a way of organizing my life and I use them now more than ever. I try to set weekly goals for myself that include the tasks I have to do for school or work but also fun activities for myself such as baking or doing yoga.

Do you have any reccommendations for books/films/tv shows/instagram accounts etc that are inspiring you right now?

I’m loving following food accounts on Instagram that keep me inspired to eat healthy and try new recipes! My favorites are @collegenutritionist, @alisoneroman, @fitmencook, and @foodminimalist

Quickfire questions:

New York City or your hometown? NYC!

Clutch or cross body? Cross body always.

Heels or sneakers? Sneakers!

Mornings or evenings? Mornings for sure.

Books or movies? Books please!

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