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get started selling your product


Why is now the perfect time to get started selling your product? It may seem counterintuitive, with everything going on in the world. But as we rise and come out of this crisis as a stronger #girlboss community, the team at #clutchbagsdotcom believes in now more than ever to flourish. With a change in values and perspective, America will begin to shift into more of an #americanmade focus, after all, making in the USA builds jobs, supports local businesses, supports the economy, promotes ethical and sustainable products, and much much more!

Our platform is a curation for female designers who are makers and shakers in the USA> Our site features the products and accessories of women who have taken their passion, hobby or side hustle and turned it into a marketable business in the USA. Whilst we may all be #isolating and #physicaldistancing we have never been more #sociallyconnected.

That is why at #clutchbagsdotcom we are inviting you or a #girlboss you know to sell with us on our platform for women. If you have a product or accessory that is made in the USA and you want to start selling it to mass audiences, now is the time. Consumerism is about to take a huge shift and people will want to invest in quality products with ethical backbones and social meaning. Buying from a #USAmade only platform will be a huge drive for consumers as well as the fact that they will be supporting girl boss women and their small businesses. With your marketable products on our platform, you'll get your own page with a unique bio, images and highlight of your products and brand story.

Beyond our platform we use many channels to harness the American made and girlboss community. This includes our site, our blog, facebook and instagram, as well as all of our contacts and clients from over thirty years in the industry.

So do you or someone you know want to get started selling your product today? Use your free time to set up your online business with us and get your products our there for consumers. Head to our website to sell with us today and be up and running in no time!

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